SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3323930 - Number range internal assignment field not editable for billing types - SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition


When trying to change the number range for billing types in SSCUI Basic Billing Settings ID 500099 or Define Billing Types for Sales ID 102402, it's found the 'internal assignment' field is not editable.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Manage Your Solution or Central Business Configuration 
  2. Then search for configuration activity Define Billing Types for Sales or Basic Billing Settings
  3. Then choose the billing type and the 'number range' field is greyed out. 


The configuration activities Define Billing Types for Sales/Basic Billing Settings is not the correct place to adapt the number range. 


To assign custom routine for flexible billing document numbering for billing types, the correct configuration is via Assign Custom Routines to Billing Types ID 103062

See Also

Using Configurable Parameters and Formulas (CPF) to Implement Flexible Billing Document Numbering

Flexible Billing Document Numbering

Using Custom Logic (BAdI) to Implement Flexible Billing Document Numbering

How to Implement Flexible Billing Document Numbering with Configurable Parameters and Formulas (CPF) – Video Tutorial


Assign Custom Routines to Billing Types, 103062, number range, billing type, CPF, flexible billing document numbering , KBA , SD-BIL-2CL , Billing (Public Cloud) , SD-BIL , Billing , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions