SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3327253 - Various issues in Financial Planning or Capacity Planning


The Financial Planning or Capacity Planning for a Portfolio Item, Portfolio Initiative, Bucket or Portfolio do not behave as expected. Possible issues are:

  1. The period columns displayed do not correctly reflect the time range of item's financial planning.
  2. Certain views/categories/groups are not displayed, or the hierarchy structure of categories/groups is not displayed correctly.
  3. The functionality to hide columns via BAdI /RPM/FIN_CAP_PLAN method /RPM/IF_EX_FIN_CAP_PLAN~SET_FIN_CAP_COLUMNS_VISIBILITY does not work.
  4. Column widths are not optimized correctly.



  • SAP Portfolio and Project Management (PPM)
  • SAP Portfolio and Project Management for SAP S/4HANA (PPM)
  • SAP Portfolio and Project Management in SAP S/4HANA (PPM)


SAP Portfolio and Project Management all versions ; SAP Portfolio and Project Management for SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions


missing, months, year, months, years, start date, finish date, end date, planned start, planned finish, planning start, planning finish, filter , KBA , PPM-PFM-FC , Financial and Capacity Planning , Problem

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