- When you open the Concurrent Access option in your IAS tenant, you see the following text next to the option 'Warning':
Warning - User can sign in from only one device or browser at a time. If other sessions exist, the user will have the option to terminate them and sign out
- After setting this option, when you try to login in a new session or with a different browser, you get the following prompt:
You are already signed in
<Apllication Name>
You have an active session. You can either stay signed in, or sign out and continue with the new sign-in.
>> Stay Signed in OR Sign Out and continue
- If you choose the option Sign Out and Continue, you notice that the original session remains active
SAP Cloud Identity Services
SAP Cloud Identity Services all versions
Identity Authentication, BTP Cloud , KBA , BC-IAM-IDS , Identity Authentication Service , How To
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