HANA DB fails to startup. Nameserver trace shows the following error messages:
[14258]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-04-03 07:50:20.084422 i ha_fcClient : OS command "sudo /sbin/multipath -r" finished unsuccessfully (256): sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
[14258]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-04-03 07:50:20.122592 i ha_fcClient : OS command "sudo /usr/bin/systemctl reload-or-restart multipathd" finished unsuccessfully (256): sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
[14258]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-04-03 07:50:20.122690 e ha_fcClient : could not reload multipath topology with 'sudo /usr/bin/systemctl reload-or-restart multipathd': OS command "sudo /usr/bin/systemctl reload-or-restart multipathd" finished unsuccessfully (256): sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
[14258]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-04-03 07:50:20.122840 e ha_provider PythonProxyImpl.cpp(00625) : hdb_ha.fcClient/fcClient:attach() failed with python error: could not reload multipath topology with 'sudo /usr/bin/systemctl reload-or-restart multipathd': OS command "sudo /usr/bin/systemctl reload-or-restart multipathd" finished unsuccessfully (256): sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified
File "/usr/sap/SID/HDB00/exe/python_support/hdb_ha/", line 142, in attach
File "/usr/sap/SID/HDB00/exe/python_support/hdb_ha/", line 1036, in _reloadMultipathDaemon
raise Exception(msg)
[13833]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-04-03 07:50:20.122949 i ha_provider HaProviderManager.cpp(00358) : attach rc = 2
[13833]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-04-03 07:50:20.123272 f NameServer TREXNameServer.cpp(03356) : unable to connect storage devices -> stopping instance ...
[13833]{-1}[-1/-1] 2022-04-03 07:50:20.123315 i DaemonClient Client.cpp(00089) : Sending signal 2
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
- SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
- SUSE Linux Enterprise Server
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
HANA, sudo, /sbin/multipath, finished unsuccessfully, /usr/bin/systemctl reload-or-restart multipathd, no tty present and no askpass program specified, could not reload multipath topology, unable to connect storage devices, stopping instance , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , BC-OP-LNX-RH , Red Hat Linux , BC-OP-LNX-SUSE , SUSE Linux , Problem
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