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3331593 - SLG1 error: BP does not have a current standard address, needed for Supplier, during employee synchronization to BP


You are facing error: BP does not have a current standard address, needed for Supplier or error: BP does not have a current standard address, needed for Customer/supplier in SLG1 log, after employee synchronization to BP. (Error message number: FSBP_ECC 027)





HRP1001, BUT000, BUT010, BUT020, V_TB108, run transaction CVI_CHECK_VISIBILITY for the specific BP and field country with field group number to make sure if the field is hardcode, BUCG, METHOD VALIDATE_MANDATORY_FIELDS, CL_MD_BP_MAINTAIN~VALIDATE_SINGLE, FSBP_BUSINESS_OBJECT, Internal KBA 3039459 - How to synchronize 2 address subtypes of the employee into BP , KBA , CA-HR-S4-OP-BP , HCM Business Partner Integration , AP-MD-BP , Business Partner , How To

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