BR0280I BRCONNECT time stamp: 2023-09-15 16:19:42
BR0301W SQL error -1024 at location brc_dblog_open-5, SQL statement:
'INSERT INTO SAP_DBATL (SYS_ID, OPER_ID, TASKNAME, JOB_NR, UPD_OP, TLOGNAME, STATUS, BEGIN_OP, END_OP, RC, INTERNAL) VALUES ('<SID>', '20230713161940', 'Update optimizer statistics', '0000000000', '20230713161942', '<SUM>\abap\tmp\cfmqsgfs.sta', 'STARTED', '20230713161940', ' ', '0000', ' ')'
ORA-01024: invalid datatype in OCI call
- SWPM: An error occurred while processing option SAP Solution Manager 7.2 Support Release 2 > SAP Solution Manager 7.2 ABAP Support Release 2 > Oracle > Installation > Application Server ABAP > Standard System > Standard System (Last error reported by the step: Process call '<Drive>:\usr\sap\<SID>\SYS\exe\uc\NTAMD64\brconnect.exe -u / -c -o summary -f stats -o SAPSR3 -t all -p 4' exits with error code 3. For details see log file(s) brconnect.log)
- brconnect.log
BR0301W SQL error -1024 at location brc_dblog_open-5, SQL statement:
'INSERT INTO SAP_DBATL (SYS_ID, OPER_ID, TASKNAME, JOB_NR, UPD_OP, TLOGNAME, STATUS, BEGIN_OP, END_OP, RC, INTERNAL) VALUES ('<SID>', '20230511135831', 'Update optimizer statistics', '0000000000', '20230511135831', 'D:\oracle\<SID>\sapcheck\cflsqful.sta', 'STARTED', '20230511135831', ' ', '0000', ' ')'
ORA-01024: invalid datatype in OCI call - May happen during SUM execution as well
- BRCONNECT 7.40 (48)
- Windows
- Oracle RDBMS
ORA-01024, OCI , KBA , BC-DB-ORA-DBA , Database Administration , Problem
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