Below is a list of the most frequently asked questions regarding Identity Authentication Services :
- Is it possible to switch/swap the default and the additional IAS tenant that is connected to BTP?
- Is there a database table where IAS user-related data like "last login time", email, status, etc. are stored?
- Is it possible to have a data center migration of tenants on the weekend?
- What is the estimation time of data center migration of tenant?
- In User Management in IAS, You can search by: user ID; global user ID; SCIM ID; email; login name. Is it possible to add 'First Name' and 'Last Name' to the search?
- How to remove "Application" from IAS?
- Customer is looking for mass deletion option for groups. Is it possible to perform a mass deletion of groups in IAS?
- List of all questions related to Backup for IAS?
- Is there any difference between test and prod IAS tenant with respect to High Availability / Disaster Recovery?
- Customer has license for BTP but they can't see any IAS tenant in Can they get new IAS tenant?
- Is it possible to access the IAS tenant when It is migrated from one region to another region?
- Is it possible to find out the version of IAS?
- How to add new administrator for IAS tenant?
Identity Authentication Services
Identity Authentication Services , KBA , BC-IAM-IDS , Identity Authentication Service , How To
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