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3334045 - password change for SAPSR3DB via sybctrl fails - SAP ASE for Business Suite


On SAP NetWeaver Java systems running on SAP ASE, the attempt to change the password for user: SAPSR3DB via sybctrl fails.

HOSTLOC:sidadm 87> sybctrl set_connect_passwd
Provide old password for database user SAPSR3DB.
Provide new password for database user SAPSR3DB.
Confirm new password for database user SAPSR3DB.
ERROR: password change in Java Secure Store failed.
Error: setting password for connect user failed.
As <sid>adm with tracelevel 3 enabled -- 
HOSTLOC:sidadm 86> set TRACE=3 OR setenv TRACE 3

The corresponding trace file: dev_sybctrl contains the following entries -- 

<date> == file opened ==
check user switch.
3default profile opened for read /usr/sap/SID/SYS/profile/DEFAULT.PFL
3getSystemType default profile line SAPDBHOST = HOSTGLOB

3getSystemType default profile line j2ee/dbtype = syb

3getSystemType default profile line j2ee/dbname = SID

3getSystemType default profile line j2ee/dbhost = HOSTGLOB

3getSystemType default profile line SAPSYSTEMNAME = SID

3getSystemType default profile line OS_UNICODE = uc

3getSystemType default profile line SAPGLOBALHOST = HOSTGLOB

3getSystemType default profile line system/type = J2EE

3getSystemType default profile system/type is J2EE
single task = 0.
3conUserJavaSingle_stack: 1.
3conUserJavaDouble_stack: 0.
Provide old password for database user SAPSR3DB.

Provide new password for database user SAPSR3DB.

Confirm new password for database user SAPSR3DB.

check user switch.
effective UID='10008' real-UID='10008'

DBSL patch version 100.
3read user/password from secstore
3dbs/syb/user: SAPSR3DB
3read password from secstore rc (0)
3before starting on user store.
3updating password in Kernel Secure Store for user SAPSR3DB.
write connect user/password to secstore
connect user written to Kernel Secure Store: SAPSR3DB
connect user password written to Kernel Secure Store rc (0)
3changing DB user passwd for user SAPSR3DB.
3updating password in Kernel Secure Store for user SAPSR3DB.
write connect user/password to secstore
connect user written to Kernel Secure Store: SAPSR3DB
connect user password written to Kernel Secure Store rc (0)
3updating password in Java Secure Store for user SAPSR3DB.

Updating Java Secure Store.
local hostname HOSTONE.
3searchSapJvmInInstanceProfile: file . (SID, HOSTLOC)
3searchSapJvmInInstanceProfile: file DEFAULT.PFL (SID, HOSTLOC)
3searchSapJvmInInstanceProfile: file SID_SCS31_HOSTGLOB (SID, HOSTLOC)
3searchSapJvmInInstanceProfile: file SID_I30_HOSTGLOB (SID, HOSTLOC)
sapjvm version is unexpected.
finding java virtual machine failed.
ERROR: password change in Java Secure Store failed.

3update secstores result for user SAPSR3DB: 0 -1.
3resetting password in database after error for user SAPSR3DB.
write connect user/password to secstore
connect user written to Kernel Secure Store: SAPSR3DB
connect user password written to Kernel Secure Store rc (0)



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 for Business Suite
  • SAP NetWeaver Java (NW) - All versions 


sybctrl, set_connect_passwd, SAPSR3DB, password, sapjvm , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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