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3335432 - Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'sysattributes' with unique index 'csysattributes' - SAP ASE for Business Suite


SUM upgrades on SAP NetWeaver systems running on SAP ASE with  HADR enabled

Task: SYBBINDSHDTOSAPTEMPDB fails with error :

1 ETQ000 ==================================================
1 ETQ399 Executing SQL script '../var/SYBBINDSHDTOSAPTEMPDB.TSQL'.
2 ETQ399 Connecting to database 'syb'.
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20230513174123  
3 ETQ398 SQL: select $EXEC(
3 ETQ398XSQL: 'sp_tempdb 'bind','LG','SAPSR3SHD','DB','saptempdb',NULL,'hard' ')
4 ETQ010 Date & Time: 20230513174123  
1EETQ008 Error message: DBSL error 99 (db code 18314): 
1EETQ009X[ASE Error SQL18314]Login 'SAPSR3SHD' does not exist in syslogins table.
1EETQ003 exit code: "20"
4 ETQ399 Rollback.

Per SAPUpConsole.log,  the SAPSR3SHD user was created on the primary server (db2 in this example) as expected :

Connecting to server db2:4901 instead ...
Executing task SYBSHDCRESSO ...
Executing task SYBGETSERVER ...
Executing task SYBGETSERVER ... 

However, SAPSR3SHD is seen to exist in the syslogins table of the secondary server but not on the primary server.

If this login is dropped on secondary and added on the primary manually and SUM is reset, subsequent errors occur when SUM tries to drop the login:

EXECUTING /usr/sap/SRP/SUM/abap/bin/SAPuptool execdb ../var/SYBDROPSHDSSO.TSQL
Logging to '/usr/sap/SRP/SUM/abap/log/SYBDROPSHDSSO.LOG'
1EETQ008 Error message: DBSL error 99 (db code 18033):
1EETQ009X[ASE Error SQL18033]You cannot drop user because user 'SAPSR3SHD' owns thresholds in database.
1EETQ003 exit code: "20"
SAPup> Process with PID 20092 terminated with status 20 at 20230513215518!

If the login is once again added manually to syslogins on the primary server and SUM is reset, the task SYBBINDSHDTOSAPTEMPDB fails with error:

EXECUTING /usr/sap/SRP/SUM/abap/bin/SAPuptool execdb ../var/SYBBINDSHDTOSAPTEMPDB.TSQL
Logging to '/usr/sap/SRP/SUM/abap/log/SYBBINDSHDTOSAPTEMPDB.LOG'
1EETQ008 Error message: DBSL error 26 (db code 2601): 
1EETQ009X[ASE Error SQL2601:23000]Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'sysattributes' with unique index 'csysattributes'
1EETQ003 exit code: "20"
SAPup> Process with PID 18107 terminated with status 20 at 20230517180322!



  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 SP03 PL07 and higher for Business Suite 
  • High Availability Disaster Recovery (HADR)
  • SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0 SP03 
  • SAP NetWeaver (NW)  
  • SUM latest releases (1.1, 2.0)


SUM, HADR, SAPSR3SHD, SQL2601, SQL18314, SQL183033, SYBBINDSHDTOSAPTEMPDB, PREP_INSTALL/SHDUNINST_DB_PREP  , KBA , BC-DB-SYB , Business Suite on Adaptive Server Enterprise , Problem

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