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3335679 - Error:' Reader XXX For <Column XXX> , <The given target buffer byte size <21> is too small to hold the source string byte size <22>.>.' - SAP Cloud Integration for data services


  • Task fails to read from CSV source file with special characters. For example, Î, ¾, è, Ê etc.
  • Error:' Reader XXX For <Column XXX> , <The given target buffer byte size <21> is too small to hold the source string byte size <22>.>.'



SAP Cloud Integration for data services


SAP Cloud Integration for data services 1.0


Western European, special characters, Î, ¾, è, Ê, Code page, cp1252, CPIDS, CIDS, given target buffer, too small to hold the source string , KBA , LOD-HCI-DS , HANA Cloud Integration for Data Services , Problem

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