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3337196 - IBP: Excel filter issue in SAP IBP Add-in for Microsoft Excel after Planning View refresh


1. When the user clicks on the "Refresh" button in SAP IBP add-in for Microsoft Excel (Excel add-in), the Excel native filter range is removed from some columns which are not part of the standard IBP planning view.

2. If the Excel sheet contains an IBP planning view and the planning view is out of the Excel native filter range, in this case after refresh the Excel native filter will be moved to the planning view.



SAP IBP add-in for Microsoft Excel


SAP Integrated Business Planning for Supply Chain 2305


IBP, add-in, add-on, Excel, filter, Excel add-in, auto filter, AutoFilter, addin, addon

, KBA , SCM-IBP-XLS-UI , SAP IBP, add-in for Microsoft Excel (User Interface) , Problem

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