Planned order in S4core or ECC system have no or not all components or dependent requirements of the planned order created in SCM APO or emb. PPDS system or missing.
Converted production orders or process order have missing components or order reconversions.
ECC System connected to an SCM APO system or and S4 system connected to an SCM APO system.
planned order, missing components, missing dependent requirements, BOM, IBP, EWM, APOKZ, MARC-APOKZ, production order, process order, items, component, components, RAPOKZFX, DECIDE_COMPONENT_DELETION, LM61OF4Y, REPLACE_ITEMS , KBA , SCM-APO-INT-PPS , PP-DS / Production and Process Order , SCM-APO-PPS-SYP , Production Planning Integration with SAP IBP , SCM-APO-INT-CCR , CIF Compare and Refresh , SCM-APO-INT-CCR-IP , In-House Production , SCM-IBP-INT-RTI-PPS , Production , Problem
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