Exchange rate is not correctly selected when posting Concur expense report with foreign currency. Example: Concur expenses paid in USD and the employee's Company Code currency is EUR.
On a few situations it is possible to see posting errors:
- Maintain translation ratios for &1 / &2 (exchange rate type &3). Message no. SG111.
- Enter rate &1 / &2 rate type &3 for &4 in the system settings. Message no. SG105.
Also, posting expense reports taken in foreign currency results in differences for the local currency amount in Concur and SAP. Concur shows the correct exchange amount when the expense was taken, but SAP selects the last exchange rate to post the expense, this results in loss/gain.
- Concur Expense
- Concur Travel
- SAP ERP integration with SAP Concur solutions
- SAP S/4HANA integration with SAP Concur solutions
exchange, rate, Concur, SAP, FI, wrong, amount, CTE_SETUP, CTE_POST_MONI, currency, employee , KBA , BNS-CON-SE-ERP-FIN , Concur ERP Financial Integration , BNS-CON-SE-S4-FIN , Concur S/4HANA Financial Integration , BNS-CON-SE-S4 , Concur Suite Enablement S/4HANA Integration , BNS-CON-SE-ERP , Concur ERP Integration , How To
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