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3338183 - Error "Formatting error in the field UF05A-STGRD; see next message" when trying to cancel a Nota Fiscal in transaction code J1BNFE


Consider the following scenario:

  • There is an Electronic Nota Fiscal (NF-e) in the NF-e/CT-e Monitor (transaction code J1BNFE) which is necessary to be cancelled or skipped
  • Source document of this NF-e is a Logistics Invoice Verification (LI) document. For example, a Credit Memo Invoice document posted in transaction code MIRO
  • When is tried to cancel or skip this NF-e, it is appearing the Required Process Step 2 (Cancel Source Document)

When it is tried to use the Cancel Source Document option (under menu Fiscal Document -> Cancel -> Cancel Source Doc. or shortcut Shift + F7) for this NF-e document, the system does not cancel the source document, neither cancel the NF-e completely and it is appearing the following error messages in the Log Entries:

  • J1B_NFE 128 - Electronic fiscal document no. XYZ cannot be canceled (where XYZ is the Nota Fiscal document number)
  • 00 298 - Formatting error in the field UF05A-STGRD; see next message
  • 00 055 - Fill out all required entry fields

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  • Localization Brazil
  • Country/region-specific Developments
  • SAP ERP 6.0
  • SAP ERP Central Component 6.0
  • SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP
  • SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA
  • Electronic Nota Fiscal (NF-e)


SAP ERP 6.0 ; SAP ERP Central Component 6.0 ; SAP S/4HANA all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions


J1B_NFE 128, J1B_NFE128, 00 298, 00298, 00 055, 00055, electronic, document, nota, fiscal, NF, NF-e, cancel, cancellation, skip, skipping, source, logistics, invoice, verification, credit, memo, error, message, log, reason, reversal, J1BNFE, LI, MIRO, UF05A, STGRD, J_1BNFE_CANCELR, LIV_CANCEL, cancelamento, inutilização, Brazil, Brasil, localization, localização , KBA , FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , Outbound , XX-CSC-BR-MM , Use FI-LOC-MM-BR , XX-CSC-BR-NFE , Use FI-LOC-NFE-BR-OUT , FI-LOC-MM-BR , Brazil , How To

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