To reach a true Recovery Point Objective value of zero for synchronous system replication, the full sync option can be enabled for SYNC replication mode.
However, in some cases, you would like to disable it, because on the system with the activated full sync option, the transaction processing on the primary system will get hung when the secondary is not connected or the newly created log buffers cannot be shipped to the secondary system due to some network communication issue.
You can check whether the full sync option is enabled for SYNC replication or not on your HANA DB System by checking the parameter "enable_full_sync" in global.ini->[system_replication], or checking the value in column FULL_SYNC in the M_SERVICE_REPLICATION system view.
- SAP HANA PLATFORM, edition 1.0
- SAP HANA PLATFORM, edition 2.0
Full Sync Option, hdbnsutil -sr_fullsync , sr_fullsync, enable_full_sync, SYNC replication mode , DISABLED , enable_full_sync = true, enable_full_sync = false , KBA , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) , How To
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