You have recently updated the MS SQL JDBC driver to or above 10.2. You have configured a valid certificate on the SQL server and imported it into the cacerts file of the JVM. But get the following error: The driver could not establish a secure connection to SQL Server by using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption. Error: " Failed to validate the server name "abc"in a certificate during Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) initialization. Name in certificate """. ClientConnectionId:7b96669b-3a1d-4d08-9b56-29f24095b3f9
SAP Identity Management 8.0
MS SQL Server
MSSQL JDBC driver 10.2 or higher
IDM, cert, ssl, hostname , KBA , BC-IAM-IDM , Identity Management , BC-DB-MSS , SQL Server in SAP NetWeaver Products , Problem
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