After an sqm_purge_queue,
SRS report errors:
E. 2023/05/25 11:09:40. ERROR #24033 SQT(105:1 DIST xxx.sss) - generic/sqt/sqtint.c(631)
SQT (105:1) could not get sqm_reader=8
W. 2023/05/25 11:09:40. WARNING #24049 SQT(105:1 DIST xxx.sss) - generic/sqt/sqtint.c(351)
sqt_wrap(105:1 xxx.sss): Exiting because _sqt_service had an exception.
E. 2023/05/25 11:09:40. ERROR #24033 SQT(143:1 DIST xxx.sss) - generic/sqt/sqtint.c(631)
SQT (143:1) could not get sqm_reader=8
W. 2023/05/25 11:09:40. WARNING #24049 SQT(143:1 DIST xxx.ZZZ) - generic/sqt/sqtint.c(351)
sqt_wrap(143:1 xxx.ZZZ): Exiting because _sqt_service had an exception.
E. 2023/05/25 11:09:40. ERROR #24033 SQT(140:1 DIST xxx.WWWW) - generic/sqt/sqtint.c(631)
SQT (140:1) could not get sqm_reader=8
W. 2023/05/25 11:09:40. WARNING #24049 SQT(140:1 DIST warm.YYYYYYY) - generic/sqt/sqtint.c(351)
sqt_wrap(140:1 xxx.YYYYYYY): Exiting because _sqt_service had an exception.
SRS all releases
ERROR #24033, WARNING #24049 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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