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3338466 - "Logon balancing: parser error" dialog window appears when trying to connect to any system through SAP GUI for Windows


"Logon balancing: parser error" appears when trying to access any system from SAP GUI.

After collecting SAP GUI logon trace the following error appears in the errolog.gui:

Sapgui 770 [Build 9058] weekday Month DD hh:mm:ss YYYY
: 'Logon balancing: parser error in ' < /M/<message server>/S/<message server port>/G/<logon group> '' is an example case.

In the saplgmgr_XXXXX.trc logon trace it is possible to see:

(YY.MM.DD hh:mm:ss) TID: 12540, SlgDataManGetLogonParamtersByKey/: Setting return value: rc=0, strParamters='/SYSID=<SYD> /SAP_CODEPAGE=1100  /FULLMENU /M/<message server>/S/<message server port>/G/<logon group> /UPDOWNLOAD_CP=2', strLinkedConnectionEntryName='SID [PUBLIC]'

(23.05.23 10:01:33) Sapgui start options von registry SapguiNTCmdOpts: > <

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SAP GUI for Windows


ABAP platform all versions ; SAP NetWeaver all versions ; SAP S/4HANA all versions


SapguiNTCmdOpts, Logon balancing, parser error, SAP GUI, logon trace, saplgmgr, registry key. , KBA , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , Problem

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