"Logon balancing: parser error" appears when trying to access any system from SAP GUI.
After collecting SAP GUI logon trace the following error appears in the errolog.gui:
Sapgui 770 [Build 9058] weekday Month DD hh:mm:ss YYYY
: 'Logon balancing: parser error in ' < /M/<message server>/S/<message server port>/G/<logon group> '' is an example case.
In the saplgmgr_XXXXX.trc logon trace it is possible to see:
(YY.MM.DD hh:mm:ss) TID: 12540, SlgDataManGetLogonParamtersByKey/: Setting return value: rc=0, strParamters='/SYSID=<SYD> /SAP_CODEPAGE=1100 /FULLMENU /M/<message server>/S/<message server port>/G/<logon group> /UPDOWNLOAD_CP=2', strLinkedConnectionEntryName='SID [PUBLIC]'
(23.05.23 10:01:33) Sapgui start options von registry SapguiNTCmdOpts: > <
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
SAP GUI for Windows
SapguiNTCmdOpts, Logon balancing, parser error, SAP GUI, logon trace, saplgmgr, registry key. , KBA , BC-FES-GUI , SAP GUI for Windows , Problem
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