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3339611 - BAPI_PO_CONFIRM1 gives short dumps when called twice for the same PO


(Please note that the function BAPI_PO_CONFIRM1 is only available in ECC 618 system, it does not exist in any other release version)
You observe the following behavior when the following FMs are called in below sequence:


An error can be found in transaction SM13 where it states that the error occurred in FM ME_UPDATE_DOCUMENT (LEIBUU01) and the message is System error: error during delete Table EKES (message no. ME 809).

You call BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT between the two calls to the BAPI_PO_CONFIRM1, but the second update only works if you leave the calling transaction completely and then restart it.

You have also tried deactivating the BAdI ME_BAPI_PO_CUST as the automatic message assistant suggests.

You have also implemented below Notes, still the problem is not resolved:

2607364 - Confirmation process result in update termination or incorrect incoterm determination

2618728 - Error when using ME_PO_CONFIRM to update confirmations

2623422 - Deleting schedule lines fail to redistribute MRP reduced quantity

2447315 - MRP reduced quantity from GR disappears on posting new confirmations

2687086 - Goods receipt quantity incorrectly updated to non-GR relevant confirmation category

2736411 - ME_PO_CONFIRM : Confirmation process result in update termination


The double update does work if the PO had no order ack. before.

If there is already an AB line, the first call to BAPI_PO_CONFIRM1 works well, but the second triggers the dump.



  • Materials Management (MM)
  • SAP enhancement package 8 for SAP ERP 6.0


SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP all versions ; SAP enhancement package for SAP ERP, version for SAP HANA all versions


BAPI_PO_CONFIRM1, confirmation, ME22N, ME23N, AB, acknowledge, update termination, dump, LEIBUU01, ME 809, BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT, SM13, confirmation control key, PO, purchase order, BAPI, ME_PO_CONFIRM , KBA , MM-PUR-GF-CON , Confirmation Control/Shipping Notification , MM-PUR-PO-BAPI , BAPIs - Purchase order , Problem

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