SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3339728 - Pay Component Amount value is coming from RCM but not reflecting - Onboarding


  • Pay Component Recurring Value for "Amount" is not appearing in NHDR, although value is correct mapped and appearing in Suite Integration. Other values like Currency and Frequency are correctly flowing and appearing.
  • Pay Component Recurring Value for "Amount" is coming in the wrong field in NHDR step.


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding


Rule "Propagate PAY_COMPONENT to PAY_COMPONENT_RECURRING" has Onboarding enabled.


  1. Open Manage Business Configuration
  2. Click on "payComponentRecurring"
  3. In the first field under Identifier > "pay-component" click in "Details" 
  4. Scroll Down and check the Trigger Rules for Event Type "onChange" and Rule  "Propagate PAY_COMPONENT to PAY_COMPONENT_RECURRING"
  5. Open "Details" for "Propagate PAY_COMPONENT to PAY_COMPONENT_RECURRING"
  6. In Onboarding field select "No"

See Also

2931273 - Payment Information data doesn't flow from Recruitment side - Onboarding


PayComponentRecurring, value, amount, flow, flowing, displayed, coming, unavailable, mapped, mapping, recruit, RCM, Onboarding, Pay, Component , KBA , LOD-SF-OBX-RCM , Initiate onboarding from RCM , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding all versions