This knowledge Base article consolidates "How-to" documents, guides and troubleshooting scenarios related to error messages, performance, short dump etc. when doing reset and reverse in T-code FBRA.
It contains many SAP notes, KBAs, WIKIs and related documents.
F1 805, F5 288, F5 538, F5 846, F5 396, F5 136, F5 682, 00344, BSEG-XRAGL, BSEG-STBLG, currency, reverse, reversal, Only resetting, differences, dump, short dump, memory. , KBA , FI-GL-GL-A , Posting/Clearing , FI-AR-AR-A , Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger , FI-AP-AP-A , Posting/Clearing/Special General Ledger , Problem
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