- Example scenario:
Following text is displayed when logging on to the IAS tenant:"Your Password Needs to Be Reset
An e-mail with a link to reset your password has been sent to Your password has not been used for more than 6 months.
To help maintain your security, your password needs to be reset. We have sent an e-mail to your e-mail address containing a link to a page where you can reset your password.
The link in the e-mail will expire in 2 hours from now."
- User does not receive any email and when checking the logs, following error can be seen (mail subject is an example):
"2023-06-02T06.18.55.055Z timestamp="2023-06-02T06.18.55.055Z", ipAddress="<ipadress>", severity="INFO", location="umtrace", crtAccount="<TenantId>", authenticatedSubject="anonymous",
correlationId="E3533657-A74C-4648-A78C-93ED1CB50D55", state="failed", action="sendMail", objectType="user", objectId="",
message="Sending the email to the following server failed :<mail server>", category="audit.configuration", mailSubject="How to reset your password",
currentPoolSize="300", currentActiveThreads="1"
Identity Authentication 1.0
Configure custom mail server, Email could not be sent to, Sending the email to the following server failed,, Authentication unsuccessful , KBA , BC-IAM-IDS , Identity Authentication Service , Problem
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