When trying to Enable Usage of a Business Scenario inside a Custom Field, error "Field XXX cannot be added to business context XXXX. Capacity is exhausted." occurs.
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to Custom Fields app.
- Create a Custom Field or edit an existing one.
- Go to "Business Scenarios" tab.
- Click on "Enable Usage" in the Business Scenario which is required.
- Click on "Save" or "Publish".
- Error message will be triggered.
Enabling a new Business Scenario inside a Custom Field means that this Custom Field will also use the capacity of the selected Business Context.
This error message means that the Business Scenario is already using its full capacity, this Business Context doesn't have enough space to be extended with this Custom Field.
For example, enable the Business Scenario "Sales Document to Delivery from Item to Header Level". It means to extend this Custom Field to the Business Context "SD_SALESDOCITEM". If the Business Context "SD_SALESDOCITEM" is using 100% of the capacity, it's not possible to extend this Custom Field to this Business Scenario.
In order to extend the Custom Field to the Business Scenario, please delete unused custom fields that are using this Business Context.
When adding new fields, there is a bar "Business context capacity" which shows the percentage currently used. Keep an eye on it and delete unused custom fields if necessary.
See Also
KBA 2824028 - Error "Field cannot be created. Business context capacity is exhausted" when creating a new custom field
Enable Usage, Business Scenario, Custom Field, Field cannot be added to business context, capacity is exhausted, extend, Business Context, capacity , KBA , BC-SRV-APS-EXT-FLD , Custom Fields , Problem