ACSS-1249: Integration Between SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing and SAP Fieldglass Through SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management and SAP Business Network for Routing Service Requisitions.
The integration between SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing (B&I) , SAP Fieldglass, and SAP Business Network through Managed Gateway for Spend&Network enables the creation of service requisitions based on Statements of Work (SOWs) and work orders.
When an SOW or a work order is updated in SAP Fieldglass, the corresponding service requisition is also updated in SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing through SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management and SAP Business Network. However, the service purchase order reference is updated in SAP Fieldglass directly and not routed through SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management and SAP Business Network. Similarly, when an SOW or a work order is closed in SAP Fieldglass, the corresponding service purchase order is closed in SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing directly.
- The simplified procurement of services capability isn't supported. The self-service parameter Enable simplified procurement of services (Application.Procure.EnableSimpleServices) must be disabled.
- In SAP Fieldglass, the discount must be entered in percentage when the SOW or work order is being created, and also when the worker submits time sheet, expense receipt, fee, schedule, or any other document, as specified in the SOW or work order.
- The U (Unknown) account assignment category for service items isn't supported.
- Only percentage split accounting type is supported.
- As purchase requisitions are non-editable in SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing, cancellation of service requisitions isn't supported.
- The following scenarios aren't supported:
1. Service requisitions containing hierarchical items
2. Service requisitions with attachments
SAP Ariba Buying and Invoicing
SAP Integration Suite, managed gateway for spend management
SAP Business Network
SAP Fieldglass
SES , KBA , BNS-ARI-PUR-SRV , Services Procurement , SBN-AN-TX , Transaction Documents , How To
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