You use SAML 2.0 on NetWeaver JAVA and on the IdP side the signing certificate has changed. Therefore, the signature verification of the Response fails with errors like:
Signature validation with the configured primary certificate failed
Signiture validation of SAML2Assertion failed.
[EXCEPTION] Verification failed.
The errors are found in trace collected with the JAVA TSHW trace log: Note:1332726 - Troubleshooting Wizard
SAP Netweaver JAVA Systems
SAML 2.0, SAML 2.0, renew certificate, verify signature, trusted provider, primary signing certificate, secondary signing certificate, The validation of message 'Response' failed, X.509 certificate, Signiture validation of SAML2Assertion failed , KBA , BC-JAS-SEC-SML , JAVA SAML 1.1 and 2.0 , Problem
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