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3343429 - Can accounts.setPolicies be called programmatically in the dataflow to disable these policies, then automatically re-enable the policy when the job completes?


Automated email policies (e.g. "sendAccountDeletedEmail" or "sendWelcomeEmail") is enabled for a site but needs to be disabled to prevent end-users from receiving automated emails when performing bulk actions via dataflow. Can accounts.setPolicies be called programmatically in the dataflow to disable these policies, then automatically re-enable the policy when the job completes?



  • SAP Customer Data Cloud
  • Core ETL / IdentitySync
  • Policies


SAP Customer Data Cloud all versions


gigya, sendAccountDeletedEmail, sendWelcomeEmail, dataflow, , KBA , CEC-PRO-EXT , Platform Extensibility (IdentitySync, Webhooks, Extensions) , How To

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