You observed below symptoms in HANA Cockpit.
- The HANA revision displayed in Database Directory page of HANA Cockpit is incorrect or not up to date.
- "Cannot load data" or Error message "HDB_FAIL_TO_RETRIEVE_REQUEST" shows in some tiles.
And there are following errors in cockpit-collection-svc.log:
A collection could not be submitted for execution because the worker thread pool is exhausted.
Consider increasing the size of the collection worker thread pool.
This message occurred xxxx times in the last minute.
HANA Cockpit 2.0
SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
HANA Cockpit, Cockpit, Database Directory, incorrect HANA version, incorrect HANA revision, Number of Worker Threads for Collection Service, cockpit-collection-svc, Cockpit Settings , KBA , HAN-CPT-CPT2-ADM , SAP HANA Cockpit 2 (Administration Core) , Problem
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