- Error when executing a job in DS management console:
Exception thrown when trying to communicate with Job Server:XXX:3500. Socket closed" -
After reproducing the error, in job server event log:
(14.3) 05-16-23 14:30:31 (6592:4968) JobServer: Processing thread <BEGIN> client <BEGIN> request <BEGIN>. (BODI-850281)
(14.3) 05-16-23 14:30:31 (6592:4968) JobServer: Processing thread <END> client <END> request <END>. (BODI-850281)
(14.3) 05-16-23 14:31:01 (6592:4968) JobServer: Processing thread <BEGIN> client <BEGIN> request <BEGIN>. (BODI-850281)
(14.3) 05-16-23 14:31:01 (6592:4968) JobServer: Processing thread <END> client <END> request <END>. (BODI-850281)
(14.3) 05-16-23 14:31:31 (6592:4968) JobServer: Processing thread <BEGIN> client <BEGIN> request <BEGIN>. (BODI-850281)
- SAP Business Intelligence Platform
- SAP Data Services
Data Services, hostname , KBA , EIM-DS-SVR , Administration/Server , Problem
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