MSA setup replicating to IQ (RTL) locks table without the table owner fails with SQL Anywhere Error -141
The message, "A transaction for database 'iq_server_test.IQ_DB' failed.
It will be retried 3 times.
The data server error received (#-141) is mapped to RETRY_LOG or RETRY_STOP.", may be reported in the SAP Replication Server error log in MSA setup when replicating from ASE to SAP IQ using database repdef.
The insert works when reverting to the continuous log-order row-by-row replication mode leading to poor perf.
Replication Server 16.0 SP04 PL04
MSA IQ replication WARNING #5091 DSI EXEC data server error received -141 , KBA , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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