RMS replication flow shows error below:
Task Status Information: One or more partitions have encountered an error.
Additional information: 6B8DD8FB98741EDD98BE4D248A96510E: Last response received at: 3/10/2023, 2:50:52 PM, roundtrip failed: failed to read message - roundtrip failed: failed to read message - rfc serialization failure: websocket: close 1011 (internal server error): request failed: rc=1, msg="Message: XRFC document incomplete for parameter ET_PORT (LTAPE_T_GRAPH_PORT). Check NW RFC proto, when closing: websocket: close sent
SAP Data Intelligence
KBA , CA-DI-IS-RMS , Replication Management Service , CA-DI-IS-ABA , ABAP Integration , How To
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