- The following stack trace is reported in the ASE error log:
kernel pc: 0x0000000001324e07 pcstkwalk+0x28()
kernel pc: 0x0000000001324aa6 ucstkgentrace+0x37e()
kernel pc: 0x000000000132169a ucbacktrace+0xba()
kernel pc: 0x00000000018b0a7a terminate_process+0x54a()
kernel pc: 0x000000000134f041 kisignal+0xa73()
kernel pc: 0x0000000000bde9c8 dam_op+0x2d2()
kernel pc: 0x000000000167fbb9 xls_bufpindirty_single+0x69()
kernel pc: 0x0000000001715ed4 bufdirty+0xc4()
kernel pc: 0x00000000016b941d bt__putrow+0x23d()
kernel pc: 0x00000000016b5c76 bt__logandinsdel+0x5c6()
kernel pc: 0x00000000016ada82 bt__insert_into_leaf+0x5e2()
kernel pc: 0x00000000016accde bt__traverseandinsert+0x11e()
kernel pc: 0x0000000001bbbf3b bt_insert+0x1cb()
kernel pc: 0x00000000009dd1f2 dol__ncinsert+0x2b5()
kernel pc: 0x000000000160fa75 dol_insert+0x7f5()
kernel pc: 0x000000000163895f ins_insert+0x3ef()
kernel pc: 0x0000000001637f11 insert_all+0xe1()
kernel pc: 0x00000000018a7058 LeInsertOp::_LeOpNext(ExeCtxt&)+0x348()
kernel pc: 0x00000000018a5b7f LeEmitNoSndOp::_LeOpNext(ExeCtxt&)+0x1cf()
kernel pc: 0x00000000015bb8fa LePlanNext+0xfa()
kernel pc: 0x0000000001820558 exec_lava+0x408()
kernel pc: 0x0000000001838cff s_execute+0x14df()
kernel pc: 0x0000000001861862 sequencer+0xc22()
kernel pc: 0x0000000001856380 execproc+0xfd0()
kernel pc: 0x000000000183cd36 s_execute+0x5516()
kernel pc: 0x0000000001861862 sequencer+0xc22()
kernel pc: 0x00000000008ee696 tdsrecv__dynexec+0x1b5()
kernel pc: 0x00000000018ccce2 tdsrecv_dynamic+0x222()
kernel pc: 0x00000000015b371e conn_hdlr+0x12ee()
kernel pcstkwalk: No more space in buffer to hold stack frames
kernel end of stack trace, spid 90, kpid 225640780, suid 4
- Incremental dump is enabled:
sp_dboption <databaes>, "allow incremental dumps", true
- Dumping the database reports the following error:
00:0016:00000:00220:2023/06/05 22:23:08.23 server Error: 6918, Severity: 21, State: 2
00:0016:00000:00220:2023/06/05 22:23:08.23 server The SYSDAMS page that stores the state of page 0 in database 'live' could not be found. The option 'allow incremental dumps' will be disabled because ASE cannot continue recording page modifications. Please contact SAP Technical Support.
- Running dbcc dam('drop') the following error is reported:
1> dbcc dam(<database>,'drop')
2> go
Msg 3702, Level 16, State 1:
Server '<server>', Line 1:
Cannot drop or replace the system 'sysdams' because it is currently in use.
Msg 15975, Level 18, State 1:
Server '<server>', Line 1:
Attempt to drop the object 'sysdams' in database '<database>' failed.
DBCC execution completed. If DBCC printed error messages, contact a user with System Administrator (SA) role.
- Disabling and re-enabling incremental dump would temporarily resolve 6918 error but error will eventually appear again over time
Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
CR 828101, 828101, sysdams, 6918 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , Product Enhancement
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