Below ADS exception occurs when print business document in S4 HANA system.
com.adobe.ProcessingException: com.adobe.ProcessingException: A problem was encountered with the results: Exception: 29361 : Failed to set data picture format for node XXXXX: date{YYYY-MM-DD}'T'time{KK:MM:SS} conflicts with date{MM/DD/YYYY}. Reason: 29361
- S4 HANA system all releases
The data format in the form template is conflict with the input data.
- Check the detail node information
- Collect XFD.XML file by referring the KBA 2359874 How to collect PDF data during generation runtime? [VIDEO]
- Search XFD.XML file with the node name.You can see the detail data format from business data.
- Open form template to check how the data format is set for the specific node.
- Either correct data format for form template or correct the input data from business data.
See Also
2359874 - How to collect PDF data during generation runtime? [VIDEO]
Exception 29361; Failed to set data picture format , KBA , BC-SRV-FP-OM , Output Management: Form Services , Problem