SAP Knowledge Base Article - Preview

3345782 - SFTP Adapter: Integration Flow Deployment Fails with Illegal character in opaque part


  • You have configured an iFlow with an SFTP Sender adapter
  • When you attempt to deploy the iFlow, the deployment fails with an error similar to the following - 

    [CONTENT][CONTENT_DEPLOY][RuntimeError] : {"message":"ERROR","childMessageInstances":[{"message":"EXCEPTION","parameters":["org.osgi.service.blueprint.container.ComponentDefinitionException: Error when instantiating bean MessageFlow_4.endpoint of class org.apache.camel.Endpoint"],"childMessageInstances":[{"message":"CAUSE","parameters":["org.apache.camel.ResolveEndpointFailedException: Failed to resolve endpoint: sap-sftp:<SFTP server address>/<directory address>
    Illegal character in opaque part at index <X>: sap-sftp:<SFTP_Server Address>?username=****@*****&authMethod=key&proxyType=internet&keyAlias=<Alias Name>&connectTimeout=10000&soTimeout=300000&maximumReconnectAttempts=3&reconnectDelay=1000&disconnect=false&stepwise=false&readLock=none&startingDirectoryMustExist=true&autoCreate=false&recursive=false&maxMessagesPerPoll=20&flatten=false&fastExistsCheck=true&delete=true&noop=false&scheduler=MessageFlow_4.pollConsumerScheduler&scheduler.cron=0+0/1+0-23+? 



  • SAP Cloud Integration
  • SAP Integration Suite
  • SAP Business Technology Platform


Cloud Integration all versions ; SAP Integration Suite all versions


CPI, HCI, Integration Suite, Cloud Integration, Integration Flow, iFlow, deploy, deployment, failed, SFTP adapter, SFTP sender, SFTP receiver, Failed to resolve endpoint, Illegal character in opaque part at index , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-SOAP , SOAP Adapter , Problem

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