You are processing a payload in web service ManageJournalEntryIn of Business Transaction Type 'Customer Credit Memo'.
The account determination is defined as <GeneralLedgerAccountAliasCode>A-XYZ</GeneralLedgerAccountAliasCode> - representing a G/L account of type OASSET - Other assets.
When executing the payload you receive the error:
" G/L account <A-XYZ> of type Other Current Assets is not allowed"
In this web service scenario strictly the provision of a G/L account of type REVGAN - Revenues or gains is expected.
Define an Account Determination Group (ADG), e.g. A-ABC under:
- In the Business Configuration find the Charts of Accounts, Financial Reporting Structures, Account Determination Fine Tune activity.
- Select Account Determination Groups.
- Under General Ledger select Groups for Other Income.
In order to assign G/L Accounts navigate to Account Determination in the same Fine Tune activity.
- For the respective Account Determination Profile(s) select Subledger: Sales.
- Match a suitable G/L Account of type REVGAN - Revenues or gains under tab Other Income.
KBA , SRD-FIN-ACR , Receivables , Problem