Since SAP HANA 2.0 SPS06, automatic configuration on the server is supported with the Client public key infrastructure (ClientPKI).
To secure the communication between HANA server and client, TLS/SSL needs to be setup on both sides and server certificate needs to be added to the client trust certificate list.
This KBA briefly introduced how to find the correct ClientPKI and import to Client side.
- SAP HANA Database 2.0 SPS06 and higher
- SAP HANA Cockpit
Client PKI, Certificate verification failed, Peer not trusted, _SYS_CLIENTPKI_ROOT_CERT, _SYS_CLIENTPKI, _SYS_CLIENTPKI_ROOT_CA, sapgenpse, HANA Cockpit , KBA , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , How To
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