IQ server startup failed with OS error 139 on Windows Server machine.
.iqmsg file
I. 06/10 05:00:02. 0000000000 Exception Thrown from oslib\hos_bio.cxx:1488, Err# 6, tid 26 origtid 26
I. 06/10 05:00:02. 0000000000 O/S Err#: 139, ErrID: 518 (hos_bioexception); SQLCode: -1006062, SQLState: 'QBA62', Severity: 14
I. 06/10 05:00:02. 0000000000 [20300]: OS error 139 reported on file C:\SybaseIQ\dat\
- SAP IQ 16.1
- SAP IQ 16.0
- Microsoft Windows
Sybase, Sybase IQ, , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem
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