During installing HANA in RHEL for SAP SOLUTIONS, the following error occurs:
10:27:50.288 - INFO: Output line 39: Log file written to '/var/tmp/****hdblcm_install_****/hdbinst.log' on host *****
10:27:50.410 - INFO: Program terminated with exit code 1
10:27:50.411 - ERR : Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
10:27:50.412 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
10:27:50.412 - INFO: END: Install SAP HANA Database (start: 10:27:47.871 duration: 00:00:02)
10:27:50.412 - INFO: -----------------------------------------------------------
10:27:50.416 - INFO: Installing SAP HANA Database failed
10:27:50.474 - INFO: Execution Summary:
10:27:50.474 - INFO:
10:27:50.474 - INFO: Step Name | Runtime
10:27:50.474 - INFO: ------------------------------------------------------------------------
10:27:50.474 - INFO: Installing SAP HANA Database | 00:00:03
10:27:50.474 - INFO: Installing Resident hdblcm | n/a
10:27:50.474 - INFO: Updating SAP HANA Database Instance Integration on Local Host | n/a
10:27:50.474 - INFO: Creating Component List | n/a
10:27:50.474 - INFO: |
10:27:50.474 - INFO: Total execution time | 00:00:03
10:27:50.474 - INFO:
10:27:50.475 - ERR : Resume of SAP HANA Database Installation failed
10:27:50.478 - INFO: Summary of critical errors
10:27:50.475 - ERR : Resume of SAP HANA Database Installation failed
10:27:50.411 - ERR : Installation of SAP HANA Database failed
10:27:50.411 - INFO: Installation failed
10:27:50.411 - INFO: error installing
10:27:50.411 - INFO: Cannot create system
10:27:50.411 - INFO: Error checking sapinit
10:27:50.411 - INFO: Starting external program update-rc.d
10:27:50.411 - INFO: Command line is: update-rc.d -n sapinit defaults
10:27:50.411 - INFO: Cannot execute program update-rc.d: update-rc.d: No such command
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
SAP HANA, platform edition
KBA , BC-OP-LNX-RH , Red Hat Linux , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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