1. Customer is reporting that they cannot find Work Tech Configuration as instructed in KBA 3319695
2. Customer is asking on how enable Work Tech permission
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
- SAP Successfactor's HXM Suite
You need to have Administrator Permissions : Manage System Properties -> Work Tech Configuration permission to access this work tech configuration page
Please follow the steps below:
1. Manage permission role
2. Select admin's target population e.g (user is belong to group EC ESS etc)
3. Click Permission... button
4. Under Administrator Permissions look for Manage System Properties
5. Select Work Tech Configuration.
See Also
MS TEAMS, MSTEAMS, Work Tech, Microsoft 365, MS Teams Integrations, RBP, Manage permission role , KBA , LOD-SF-EAS-WRK , Collaboration and Work Tech , LOD-SF-PLT-RBP , Role Based Permissions , How To