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3347422 - IQ incorrectly accepts zero date/timestamps - SAP IQ


IQ incorrectly accepts zero date/timestamps. This behavior was detected on SAP IQ 16.0 SP04 PL09 but works fine on SAP IQ 16.0 SP10 PL03.

    • SAP IQ/ Linux64 - x86_64 - 2.6.18-194.el5/64bit/2015-08-20 17:45:23

      1> create table tb01 (col1 timestamp null);
      2> go

      1> insert into tb01 values ('0000-00-00')
      2> go
      Msg 257, Level 16, State 0:
      SQL Anywhere Error -157: Cannot convert 0000-00-00 to a datetime(23) (column col1)
      (0 rows affected)

      1> select * from tb01
      2> go


      (0 rows affected)

    • SAP IQ/ - x86_64 - 3.10.0-327/64bit/2021-03-02 00:59:47

      1> create table tb01 (col1 timestamp null)
      2> go

      1> insert into tb01 values ('0000-00-00')
      2> go
      (1 row affected)

      1> select * from tb01
      2> go

            Jan  5 0001  8:00:00.000000AM


      We can see that INSERT fails on "SAP IQ 16.0 SP10 PL03" (correct behavior) while this INSERT runs fine on "SAP IQ 16.1 SP04 PL09" (wrong behavior).

      We can see the same behaviors when using DBISQL.



    • SAP IQ 16.0 SP04 PL09
    • SAP IQ 16.0 SP10 PL03


    SAP IQ all versions


    insert Cannot convert timestamp date value were incorrectly accepted as valid values wrong behavior 0000-00-00 00:00:00 SQL Anywhere Error -157 824651 CR 824651 CR824651 CR#824651 , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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