SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

3347571 - Not able to find Manage Workforce app in Partner Demo system - SAP S/4HANA Cloud


You are on the onboarding process of SAP S/4HANA Cloud, Public edition.

You want to create workers in your Partner Demo Development tenant or Partner Demo Customizing tenant.

You are the admin user but you found that there is no app available for you to create workers in the S/4HANA Cloud system.


SAP S/4HANA Cloud, public edition


The initial setup was not completed if the conditions listed below were not satisfied.

  • If Manage Workforce app cannot be found in your system:
    Go to Maintain Business Users app and open your admin user to check if the business role Administrator assigned to the user and catalog Master Data - Manage Workforce (SAP_BUM_BC_MNG_WORKFORCE_PC) has been assigned to this role.
  • If the business catalog is not assigned to the user:
    Open SAP Central Business Configuration system to check if the Evaluation project created for the corresponding Partner Demo system and the milestone of the Scope and Organizational Structure phase completed.


Before starting the settings in S/4HANA Cloud system, you need to confirm that you have finished all of the settings in the SAP Central Business Configuration system. Especially, you need to complete the milestone of the Scope and Organizational Structure phase.

This process should be followed twice: once for the Partner Demo Customizing tenant and once for the Partner Demo Development tenant.

You can find the detailed procedure in the documentation Cloud test, demo, and development for SAP S/4HANA Cloud (SAP Partner).

See Also

SAP Roadmap Viewer - Discover -> Access Partner Demonstration Landscape (Partner) -> Accelerator
Cloud test, demo, and development for SAP S/4HANA Cloud (SAP Partner)

SAP Note 3262756 - Manage Workforce is not available in SAP S/4HANA Cloud system


manage workforce, missing, prerequisite, s/4hana cloud, CBC, Central Business Configuration, SAP_BUM_BC_MNG_WORKFORCE_PC, business catalog, partner demo, partner demo customizing tenant, partner demo development tenant , KBA , CA-GTF-BUM , Business User Management , CA-WFD-INT , S/4HANA Cloud Workforce Domain Integration , Problem


SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition all versions ; SAP S/4HANA Cloud all versions