After the July 2023 update (NEO Version 5.49.X, CF Version 6.41.X), the Cloud Integration SFTP Adapter will use the JSch library version 0.2.8. This will enable the SFTP adapter to support the security algorithms which have been documented in KBA 3079510 - "com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: Algorithm negotiation fail" error using the Cloud Integration SFTP adapter.
As mentioned in KBA 3079510, new versions of the SFTP adapter will allow configuration of support for deprecated algorithms, to allow compatibility to older SFTP servers.
- SAP Cloud Integration
- SAP Integration Suite
Cloud Integration, Integration Suite, HCI, CPI, SCPI, HANA Cloud Integration, tenant, iFlow, Integration Flow, SFTP adapter, SSH, SFTP server, SFTP client, connectivity test, test connectivity, Algorithm negotiation fail, cipher, cipher suites, deprecated algorithms, jsch update, jsch library , KBA , LOD-HCI-PI-CON-SOAP , SOAP Adapter , How To
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