When setting up the DRTM objects for Recruiting (DRTM Job Application and DRTM Candidate Profile), no objects return. Then, when trying to create a new one by using "Create New", an error displays: "Code Already Exists!".
SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting Management
The Effective Start Date is in the future.
Depending on which time of the day you enable the DRTM Recruiting, the data center's timezone might already be the next day of which you are setting up. E.g. you are doing this change on May 3rd 8 PM EDT, but the data center's is DC33 using UTC timezone, which will already be passed midnight so it will be May 4th.
This makes the Effective Start Date the next day, since it is based off of the data center timezone when set automatically by the system (as the case of doing it from Upgrade Center).
In case the Effective Start Date is in fact in the future, you have 2 options:
- Change it to today's date
- Leave it as is
The only difference between the two is when the configuration set will become valid in the system.
drtm, job, application, candidate, profile, purge, drm, data, retention, time, management, object. , KBA , LOD-SF-RCM-SYS , System Performance, Usability, Errors, Security , Problem