- You observed high memory/disk usage of a table(s) in SAP HANA database.
- You want to perform data management activity (delete, archive) on a table(s) in SAP HANA database.
- You want to reduce the memory/disk usage of a table(s) by doing the data management activity (delete, archive).
- You want to know where you can find detailed information about the process itself and the available monitoring tools and techniques.
- You want to know how to monitor and check the data management process for table(s) in SAP HANA database.
- You want to follow the process and want to get exact information about the activity in numbers.
Topic summary SAP Knowledge Base Article, which refers many topic related SAP Knowledge Base Articles together, to put the topic into context, but the documentation is focusing on data management activity itself.
SAP HANA, platform edition
SAP HANA, platform edition all versions
SAP, HANA, database, data, management, activity, delete, archive, memory, disk, size, increase, grow, decrease, reduce, monitor, follow, application, level, high memory/disk, mandt , KBA , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , How To
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