This is central KBA with collection of KBAs which helps to troubleshoot issues with Output Management and Forms
SAP Business bydesign
Reproducing the Issue
1. Go Personnel Administration Work Center
2. Navigate to Regular Tasks View
3. Select Terminate Relationship with Employee
4. Maintain Employee's Last Working Day date
5. System shows the error
Cause for the issue is, Time Profile Start Date is earlier than the Hire Date / Work Agreement Start Date
To verify Time Profile date
1. Go to Time Administration work center
2. Search and Edit the Employee
3. Go to Time Profile tab
4. Check the Time Profile start date
To verify Work Agreement Date
1. Go to Personnel Adminiatration work center
2. Seach and Edit the Employee
3. Go to Employee and Work Agreement sub tab
To fix this, Change the start date of the Time Agreement to match that of the Work Agreement.
This was a known issue and we put a fix in the system to stop this happening going forward. However, the changes to this Employee were made before we implemented these changes. Hence why this error message is being displayed now.
time profile, work agreement, employment , KBA , AP-RC-OUT , Output Management , Problem