This article cover information related to configuration, testing and Go-live of different file based options of import and export :-
The employee import is the fundamental, crucial piece of any integration. It is the only way the employee HR demographic data gets into the WFS System. Details in resolution section will cover file based imports that send data into Time and Attendance. If implementing a customer on the suite there are other considerations that are needed, though the same file based import can be used to populate employee data with the suite. - FILE BASED PUNCH EXPORT
When using WorkForce clocks it is sometimes required to be able to export the clock punches from the WorkForce System for various reasons. The Timesheet Detail Export policy will allow pulling all punches within a specific date range. However the key thing to note here is that this interface is not incremental and will pull all punches within a date range when it runs, regardless of what was exported earlier. - FILE BASED SWIPE (PUNCH) IMPORT
It is recommended to send punches to WorkForce via the SOAP or REST clock punch solutions if using an external clocking device, however, it is possible to import swipes from a file if that is required. - FILE BASED TIME/SCHEDULE IMPORT
The time entry import policy is the way to import time and schedule records into the system. It is file based and can be scheduled like the other file based interfaces. For more information on the Time Entry Import and Schedule Import including the required file formats - FILE BASED BADGE IMPORT
Badge Imports are used to import badge information into the separate badge table from either already imported employee information, or from a separate CSV file. - FILE BASED LD AND RATE IMPORTS
LD is referred to as labor distribution, or sometimes as activity based costing. It is additional data associated with a time record that goes beyond just the pay code, date, hours, and start/end times. LD is often also referred to as a charge string or a costing string. However it can be used for much more than that within the WorkForce Software ecosystem. - FILE BASED USER ONLY IMPORTS
Over the years there have been many “flavors” of the user only import. The base use case here is the following:- User-only “users” need access to WorkForce
- They do not track their own time in WorkForce
- They do not count to licensing in WorkForce
SAP Time and Attendance Management by WorkForce Software (All versions)
SAP Time and Attendance Management by WorkForce Software all versions
Clock, Punch, Export, Import, Employee, Badge , KBA , XX-PART-WFR-TAM , SAP Time and Attendance Management by Workforce Software , Problem
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