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3349636 - How TLS 1.3 enablement on Integration Suite (Cloud Foundry) affects API Management?


TLS 1.3 is being enabled for inbound connections to Integration Suite Cloud Foundry . More information in KBA 3330954 - FAQ: Rollout of TLS 1.3 for inbound to CPI connections

This question might arise after reading the email notification received from SAP with title <ACTION REQUIRED> Enabling of TLS 1.3 for inbound communication

Read here how this change could affect the API Management service on Cloud Foundry. 



SAP API Management 

SAP Integration Suite


API Management all versions ; SAP Integration Suite all versions


tls1.3, tls 1.3, TLS, HAproxy, connection, SSL connection, TLS connection, TLS enablement, 1.3 enablement, API Management, API M, Isuite, integration, suite, cpi, ci, <ACTION REQUIRED>, Enabling of TLS 1.3 for inbound communication, HAproxy , Cloud Foundry, rollout, roll out,  , KBA , OPU-API-OD-OPS , Operations , Problem

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