You are running optimizer and due to constraints, the demand cannot be fully delivered on time, but could be fulfilled on later periods with late delivery periods allowed, but you observe that even having capacity some or all the late delivery periods are not used and there’s less late delivery than you expect.
For example, in a scenario where all the demand cannot be delivered in time, where you have allowed 6 periods of late delivery, you observe quantities delivered in time or using 2 or 3 periods of late delivery, but no quantity is delivered after this, even though there’s stock available or capacity to supply such demand until 6 periods of late delivery.
- SAP Supply Chain Management (SCM)
- SAP Integrated Business Planning (SCM-IBP)
Late-Delivery Cost Rate for Customer Demand, Total Customer Demand Delivered, CONSDEMDELIVERED, Customer Demand Delivered Late CONSDEMDELIVEREDLATE, Maximum Late-Delivery Periods for Customer Demand CONSDEMLATEDELIVMAX, Maximum Late-Delivery Periods for Independent Demand INDEPDEMLATEDELIVMAX, Late-Delivery Cost Rate for Independent Demand INDEPDEMLATEDELIVCOSTRATE, Independent Demand Delivered Late INDEPDEMDELIVEREDLATE, IPU Late Delivery Cost Rate IPULATEDELIVCOSTRATE, IPU Late Delivery Maximum Periods IPULATEDELIVMAX, Amount of IPU Demand Delivered Late IPUDELIVEREDLATE, shortage, unfulfilled demand, not satisfied, Non-Delivery Cost Rate for Customer Demand NONDELIVERYCOSTRATE, Independent Demand Non-Delivery Cost Rate INDEPDEMANDNONDELIVERYCOSTRATE, . , KBA , SCM-IBP-SUP-OPT , Supply Optimizer , Problem
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