During a deployment, all services are stopped, in the Stop selected service instances section of the deployment, and then started again, in the Roll out service instances section.
When any of those is unsuccessful, the deployment process, as a whole, gets stuck in those sections.
When this happens, it can be seen that Stopping <Service> or Starting <Service> runs forever.
Besides, all new replicas never become available, so the number of available/existing replicas mismatch.
On average, a replica starts in around 5 minutes, but in an environment with a high number of replicas, a roll restart of all services can take up to 30 minutes.
It's not necessary to wait that long to start investigating, and after that, one definitely should do so.
A deployment automatically fails after 6 hours.
SAP Commerce Cloud
commerce, cloud, ccv2, stuck, stop, start, Stop selected service instances, Stop, selected, service, instances, Roll out service instances, Roll out, service, instances , KBA , CEC-SCC-CLA-DEP , Deployments , Problem
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