In the IntroscopeEnterpriseManager.log, warning is given as below:
[WARN] [Harvest Engine Pooled Worker] [Manager.Agent] The EM has too many live metrics reporting from Agents and will stop accepting new metrics from Agents.[ Current count = 536,580. Max count = 500,000] |
You also notice many 'lost connection' messages like below:
[INFO] [PO Route Down Executor] [Manager] Lost connection at: Node=Agent_7,, Type=socket [INFO] [PO Async Executor] [Manager.Agent] Disconnected from Agent "SuperDomain|<agent host>|SAP HostAgent Process|SAP HostAgent SMDA<instance number>" |
Due to the limitation of Introscope EM, the automatic activities "Introcope Host Adapter" or "Byte Code Adapter Installation" in Managed System Configuration fail. In the "jvm_smdagent.out" or "IntroscopeAgent.log", the following errors are detected.
[WARN] [IntroscopeAgent.IsengardServerConnectionManager] Lost contact with the Introscope Enterprise Manager at <>:6001. |
[INFO] [IntroscopeAgent.ConnectionThread] Connected to <>:6001, in disallowed mode. |
- CA Introscope 10.x
KBA , XX-PART-WILY , Introscope by CA Technologies , Problem
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