Customer would like to know how to find the data tables/OData entities (via Integration Center) that hold information about employees while they are in the following stages :
1) Onboarding Dashboard
2) Employee Central (Employee Profile)
SAP SuccessFactors HXM Suite
* OData API
* Integration Center
Customer can search for the entities used in Integration Center using the following path
1. Click on My Integrations in Integration Center
2. Click on Create button and then click on Scheduled Simple File Output Integration
3. On the left side of the next page, search for Onboarding under Tag field and see all the Onboarding related entities
4. Similarly, search for Employee Profile or/and Employee Central under Tag field and see respective entities.
Tag, Onboarding, Integration Center, Employee Profile, Entity, Entities, OData, Employee Central , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-INC , Integration Center , LOD-SF-INT-INC-FWK , Integration Center UI Framework , How To